Activating the Soul of Money with Lynne Twist
Within you are hidden treasures ready to awaken. There is a wellspring of value to emerge from your soul. Focused[...]
The Psychology of Money and Addiction with Sally Palaian
The human brain has a great capacity for memory, calculation, perception, and measurement. Rational decisions are made by analyzing data[...]
Creating Sacred Wealth with Feminine Principles with Kara Gilligan
Money is sacred, and so is a woman’s creative force, known as “Shakti” in the Tantric tradition. People are conditioned[...]
Secrets to Enjoying Sacred Success with Barbara Huson (formerly Stanny)
There is a satisfaction that comes from sharing your genius. Your greatness cannot be measured by money alone. As you[...]
The Power of Using Your Emotional Currency with Kate Levinson
This month diverse women are sharing their experiences as sexual assault survivors, with the hashtag #metoo. Catalyzed in part by[...]


Breaking Money Silence with Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
People find relief and opportunity when they open up and talk about money. They break down walls of financial fears[...]
Engaging in Compelling Negotiations Using Emotional Intelligence with Rebecca Slocum
What would you do if you recently negotiated a contract as an independent contractor, and then realized that you were[...]
The Value of an Embodied Voice with Destiny Love
Are you someone who is most comfortable playing it small? Maybe you feel awkward expressing your opinions, especially in groups.[...]
How to Communicate Compassionately About Money with Jobie Summer
It’s no surprise people have a hard time talking about money. Most of us were not taught the specific skills[...]
How To Talk Money With Your Honey with Simrit Kaur
Want to have calm, productive conversations about money with your honey? You’re not alone, nearly 80% of couples say money[...]
How To Deepen Intimacy Following Money Fights with Joy Hosey
Most people have a tough time talking openly about money. I’ve heard hundreds of women tell tearful stories about being[...]
Expressing Your Authentic Value with KC Baker
Our power is often locked up by fear and shame. Countless women have told me about important financial conversations that[...]
The Power In Vulnerability
How can bold, authentic communication about money transform the world? When we are vulnerable and express our suffering to a[...]


The Intersection of Culture, Climate, and Money with Georgia Kelly
Engaged citizens are advocating for social justice and economic fairness while addressing the realities of climate change. Both systemic and[...]
PeoplesHub Launches Training Platform with Sarah van Gelder
People like you are building power from the ground up to create community resilience. Relationships are the bedrock of your well-being.[...]
How Green Maps Reveal Community Wealth with Wendy Brawer
Your community is endowed with immeasurable resources, yet many remain invisible and hard to access. The talents and wisdom of[...]
Maternal Wellness and Wealth with Kay Sandberg
Becoming a mother was a significant initiation for me. I had both of my children naturally at home with a[...]
The Intimacy of Legal Tender with Christian McEwen
You would not believe some of the stories I have heard about money! Tales of trauma and triumph, of love[...]
How to Prosper with Nourishing Networks with Judy Wicks
Do you know your farmer? Your investor? Do they care about your well-being? People are hungry for meaningful relationships and[...]
Creating a Culture of Connection within an Extractive Economy with Sarah van Gelder
Connection between people is the primary source of value. Poverty is a result of disconnection, from spirit, body, emotion, family,[...]
The Value of Sisterhood: Four FREE Ways to Create True Wealth with Women
Certain people are special gems who bring out the best in me. You know those who encourage you and hold[...]
How to Birth a Life-Affirming Economy With Ferananda Ibarra
Sometimes I imagine the global economy as a hospice patient, frail, ineffective, and dependent on the care of others. Do[...]


Style Your Finances with the Budgetnista with Tiffany Aliche
Money comes easily to some women. They are comfortable talking about it and have the skills to manage it. They[...]
Breaking Money Silence with Kathleen Burns Kingsbury
People find relief and opportunity when they open up and talk about money. They break down walls of financial fears[...]
How to Find Peace with Money with Leisa Peterson
Notice how it’s easier to do nothing about your money situation, even when it’s stressing you out and there may[...]
Prospering with Somatic Finance® with Gayle Colman
What is a time-tested approach to build your financial legacy? Listen to your gut! “Somatic” means “of or relating to[...]
How to Heal Money Trauma and Create a Financial Plan with Suzanne Lorenz
The young woman stuck around because the extractive economy was so familiar. He was crude, and always took more than[...]
Financial Tactics for Community Resilience with Vicki Robin
How do you engage with the monumental shift happening in America? Do you see baby boomers and millennials coming together[...]

Economics and Regenerative Culture

Creating a Regenerative Economy in Costa Rica with Jennifer Menke
Nature’s ingenuity in Costa Rica is palpable in the lush tropical jungle buzzing with the flow of resources. The fertility[...]
Real Wealth of the Caring Economy with Riane Eisler
The fuel of a more humane economy is not profit but a responsibility to care for one another and for[...]
Women Asserting Power to Create Wealth with Jerri Husch
There is a revolution brewing that redefines the value of humans in complex living systems. How we measure wealth and[...]
Where Purpose Meets Profit with Amberjae Freeman
Have you felt satisfaction when your money is swelling because it is invested in alignment with your values? Have you[...]
Screwnomics and the Eros of Money with Rickey Gard Diamond
Falling in love brings a rush of oxytocin and positive feelings. Intimate (including more than romantic) relationships are satisfying when[...]
Finding Peace with Buddhist Economics with Clair Brown
What if the economy was aligned with the values of ancient spiritual teachings? A healthy living system will circulate goods[...]
The Power of Feminine Finance with Donna Morton
Last week, there were a couple of significant dips in the stock market, which was at an all-time high. This[...]
How Integrated Capital Creates Positive Impact with Deb Nelson
Honest conversations are necessary to align your values with your money. Social finance is effective because transparency is encouraged and[...]
Can You Imagine Thriving? with Michelle Holliday
This is an invitation to thrive. Learn how to welcome greater vitality and creativity through acknowledging your role in a[...]
Regenerative Systems: Agriculture, Investment and Education with Liora Adler
Regenerative agriculture has become a significant movement, based on ecological principles and practices that build soil health. Perhaps it’s because[...]