Week 3: Shame and Compassion

Oct 19

1) Breathe!

While breathing is a constant activity, it’s mostly unconscious. Bringing your attention to your breath is an enlivening way to become more present and connect with your inner realms. Try tracing your breath all the way to full, then on your exhale all the way to empty; use this as an opportunity to tune into what’s below your regular thought processes. With time, more conscious breathing will yield a space for your “fine” self to reveal herself to you. Connect this practice with an ordinary daily activity, when you pee, buckle up, sip water, or text. This meditative approach is effective and time-efficient.



2) Ask for help.

Our relationships are a key part of our true wealth. Ask for support from family, friends, co-workers, or others. Each request can be an opportunity for them to offer their gifts. Also remember that there are allies beyond the known realms we typically dwell in—helpers who are standing ready to assist but must be called upon. Repeat after me: HELP. We all need it, and you know you enjoy giving it. Give the angels, the fairies, the invisibles (call them and “it” whatever you want) a chance…you are going to be amazed….

3) Connect with your lineage.

Discover the blessing at your back. Behind you stands a miles-long line of women who have their hands at your back, who recognize you. They have valuable support to offer—ask for their blessing and be willing to accept it. Use the support of your lineage to propel yourself forward into your dreams and your destiny. This is a real form of support that we forget is right here, all the time.

4) Be the Being you are.

Modern society is largely focused on doing and having things. Creating quiet time to BE is a powerful investment in your well-being. Tending to our inner realms is important; we are so much more than our feelings and thoughts. Take the time and space (we’re not talking about two weeks in Maui) to be all that you are. Experience the fullness of yourself, the rich tapestry of thoughts, feelings, sensations, stillness, storminess, wordless places. BEING is your birthright and your greatest gift. “Spending” time to know yourself as a Being is critical to your success, effectiveness, and alignment with your true wealth and prosperity. You deserve your own loving attention.


