Myths are flavored by ancestors and the curvature of the land.
“Money-Wise Women” guest Jennifer Browdy, Ph.D., is an associate professor of comparative literature and media studies. She has been focusing in recent years on what she calls “purposeful memoir,” inviting people to look back at their lives in order to better understand who they are today, and to envision and create their future with greater clarity and confidence.
History is subjective. Jennifer’s anthologies have brought forth the voices of women who are dedicating their lives to social and environmental justice. Reading Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States in high school influenced me deeply. Since then, I have been listening closely to tales that come from voices that are silenced from the mainstream narratives.
Jennifer uses the process of purposeful memoir to guide people, as she puts it, “in aligning their personal, political and planetary values.” When we add our relationship to money to the mix, regenerative culture is fortified.
We are myth-makers and transformational storytellers. We recognize each end as a new beginning and create coherence through our tales. Through our stories, we germinate the values that will sustain a new era of humanity. People have profound realizations while sharing their money stories, and listening to others.
Money can be something that brings us together, instead of driving us apart.
Listen to this episode to stimulate your imagination about authoring a fresh story of your own precious life. Through our personal myths, we weave the tapestry of culture, and our ability to stir the imagination is more valuable than gold.
Jennifer Browdy, Ph.D., is an associate professor of comparative literature and media studies at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, with a special interest in writing for social and environmental justice, leadership, and public speaking.
Her memoir, What I Forgot...And Why I Remembered: A Journey to Environmental Awareness and Activism Through Purposeful Memoir, was one of six finalists for the 2018 International Book Awards in the autobiography/memoir category. Her writer’s guide, The Elemental Journey of Purposeful Memoir: A Writer’s Companion, won a 2017 Nautilus Silver Award. She is currently working on a book called Worldwrights: Lessons on Life and Leadership from the Purposeful Memoirs of 15 Activists Writing to Right the World.
She offers author coaching and consulting on purposeful memoir, as well as in-person and online writers’ circles and a self-paced online course—find out more at She also runs a small publishing company, Green Fire Press, offering high-quality publishing services for authors.